Method : Pressure Sensor (Sensel Morph)
Year : 2022


“ONNON mixin'”

Demo video of on-going painting on canvas with a pressure sensor, Sensel Morph, underneath, which generates a sound frequency converted from the light intensity of a paint color by Color Sensor Module, and each Black and White assigned to a sample audio file and white noize, by the brush touching on the canvas, and manipulate the sound by the movement of the brush stroke.

Painting: NoA- via ¥@$
Material : Brush, Canvas, Acrylic Paint, Water
Device : MacBook, Sensel Morph, Arduino UNO, Color Sensor TCS 3200, Akai APC Mini
Program : Pure Data (Vanilla)

Recorded in Northern California, U.S.

Method : Multi-Touch Canvas & Color Sensor
Year : 2018


“oNnOn in RGB”

on-going painting with live-generated sounds on delay loops, tuned into three primary colors of light, RGB. Turning a canvas interactive by Depth Sensor, a sound is generated when a brush touches the canvas, and manipulated by the movement of drawing. Frequencies are converted from the color of paint by Color Sensor Module.

Material : Brush, Canvas, Acrylic Paint, Water
Device : MacBook, Kinect Sensor, Arduino UNO, Color Sensor TCS 3200, Akai APC Mini, Speaker
program : Pure Data Extended, Ludique’s Kinect Bundle

recorded in Oakland, California, U.S.

Method : Multi-Touch Canvas & Color Sensor
Year : 2016


“oNnOn in Spectrum Scale”

By Multi-Touch technology, a sound generated when a brush touches a canvas, and manipulated by the movement of drawing. Live-generated sounds are on delay loops, and tuned into Color Spectrum with Color Sensor Module.

Material : Brush, Canvas, Acrylic Paint, Water
Device : MacBook, Kinect Sensor, Arduino UNO, Color Sensor TCS 3200, Akai APC Mini, Speaker
program : Pure Data Extended, Ludique’s Kinect Bundle

Recorded in Oakland, California, U.S.

Method : Tracking Hand Position
Year : 2014



By Tracking Hand Position, a sound generated when a hand position reaches a threshold, and loops in a track.

Material : Brush , Roller, Canvas, Acrylic Paint, Water
Device : MacBook, Kinect Sensor, iRing BlueBoard, Speaker
program : Ableton Live, Synapse for Kinect, Kinectar
Sound Source: Vinyl Record, Field Recording by Iphone

Recorded in Oakland, California, U.S.